Glen Peters, CICERO,
Coal power for electricity contributed 30% of global CO2 emissions in 2018 (IEA).
Source: Carbon Brief,
The World Resources Institute has a great open dataset
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
power_plants = pd.read_csv("talk_data/global_power_plant_database.csv")
f, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(12, 8))
plants = power_plants.groupby('primary_fuel')\
.sort_values('estimated_generation_gwh', ascending=False)\
sns.barplot(x="estimated_generation_gwh", y="primary_fuel", data=plants,
label="Total", color="b")
ax.set(ylabel="", xlabel="Estimated Generation 2018 in GWh")
sns.despine(left=True, bottom=True)
Source: Carbon Tracker Initiative
1-5%, 5-10%, 10-15%, 15-20%
UK solar generated 8.3% of total electricity in the last month, producing 1.69TWh of energy
In the same period last year,
solar generated 6.3%, and 1.39TWh of energy
Photo by American Public Power Association on Unsplash
Linking the Power and Transport Sectors—Part 1: The Principle of Sector Coupling, Robinius et al, Energies 2017, 10(7), 956;
Spatial vs geospatial
Source: Dr Joanna Kuleszo @ UCL
e.g. *.tif, *.jpg, *.exif, *.png, *.gif
e.g. *.geojson, *.shp, ...
Shot from planes.
Now also from drones.
Very high resolution (less than 0.25m per pixel)
Infrequent creation (ie low revisit rate)
Huge growth in availability
Resolution getting better all the time (less than 3m visual band becoming widely available - but paid, 10m visual through Sentinel)
Multi-spectral thanks to many different satellite sensors: good for SOx, NOx, Methane, CO2, etc
By Orbital Sciences Corporation -, Public Domain,
In 2015, Planet had 92 satellites. In 2017 in launched 88 - the 'dove' constellation, promising 1 day revisit rate - global daily coverage!
Photo: Planet Labs CEO Will Marshall, credit: Steve Jurvetson
Huai'an power station in Hebei province, 660 MW
Zhangjiakou coal power plant in Hebei province, 2.6 GW
Source: via Carbon Tracker via Planet
Matt Gray, Managing Director, Co-Head of Power & Utilities at Carbon Tracker,
Carbon Tracker,
Carbon Tracker,
In the UK, better PV forecasts should save £1-10 million per year [1], and about 100,000 tonnes of CO2 per year.
Source: Open Climate Fix
Image source: CSAIL
Academic license - use Digimap
Aerial Digimap product, licensed from Getmapping plc.
25cm vertical ortho-photography
2TB of imagery data...
Enter Open Street Map!
At the time, 15000 labels
Now... 240,000+ !
# #
solar_query = """
area["name"="United Kingdom"]->.searchArea;
out body;
out skel qt;
overpass_url = ""
import requests
osm_pv = requests.get(overpass_url, params={'data': solar_query})
df = pd.DataFrame(osm_pv.json()['elements'])
Enter RasterVision
An open source framework for deep learning on satellite and aerial imagery.
Thank you Azavea 👏
See my experiment script here:
RasterVision takes on a lot of the work that would be reasonably boilerplate between geospatial analysis projects.
import rastervision as rv
# Experiment
class SolarExperimentSet(rv.ExperimentSet):
def exp_main(self, test=False):
# experiment goes here
# Connect docker filepath mounted to my data directory
base_uri = join(raw_uri, '/labels')
# Experiment label, used to label config files
exp_id = 'pv-detection-1'
# Number of times passing a batch of images through the model
num_steps = 1e5
batch_size = 8
# Specify whether or not to make debug chips (a zipped sample of png chips
# that you can examine to help debug the chipping process)
debug = True
# Split the data into training and validation sets:
# Randomize the order of all scene ids
scene_ids = sorted(scene_ids)
# Figure out how many scenes make up 80% of the whole set
num_train_ids = round(len(scene_ids) * 0.8)
# Split the scene ids into training and validation lists
train_ids = scene_ids[0:num_train_ids]
val_ids = scene_ids[num_train_ids:]
# ------------- TASK -------------
task = rv.TaskConfig.builder(rv.SEMANTIC_SEGMENTATION) \
.with_chip_size(300) \
'pv': (1, 'yellow'),
'background': (2, 'black')
}) \
target_count_threshold=1000) \
# # ------------- BACKEND -------------
backend = rv.BackendConfig.builder(rv.TF_DEEPLAB) \
.with_task(task) \
.with_debug(debug) \
.with_batch_size(num_steps) \
.with_num_steps(batch_size) \
.with_model_defaults(rv.MOBILENET_V2) \
# Make scenes to pass to the DataSetConfig builder.
def make_scene(id):
# Create lists of train and test scene configs
train_scenes = [make_scene(id) for id in train_ids]
val_scenes = [make_scene(id) for id in val_ids]
# ------------- DATASET -------------
# Construct a DataSet config using the lists of train and
# validation scenes
dataset = rv.DatasetConfig.builder() \
.with_train_scenes(train_scenes) \
.with_validation_scenes(val_scenes) \
# ------------- ANALYZE -------------
# We will need to convert this imagery from uint16 to uint8
# in order to use it. We specified that this conversion should take place
# when we built the train raster source but that process will require
# dataset-level statistics. To get these stats we need to create an
# analyzer.
analyzer = rv.AnalyzerConfig.builder(rv.STATS_ANALYZER) \
# ------------- EXPERIMENT -------------
experiment = rv.ExperimentConfig.builder() \
.with_id(exp_id) \
.with_task(task) \
.with_backend(backend) \
.with_analyzer(analyzer) \
.with_dataset(dataset) \
.with_root_uri('/opt/data') \
return experiment
if __name__ == '__name__':
Start up the docker container
docker run --runtime=nvidia --rm -it -p 6006:6006 \
-v ${RV_QUICKSTART_CODE_DIR}:/opt/src/code \
-v ${RV_QUICKSTART_EXP_DIR}:/opt/data \ /bin/bash
Fire away
rastervision run local -p
Bradbury, Kyle; Saboo, Raghav; Johnson, Timothy; Malof, Jordan; Devarajan, Arjun; Zhang, Wuming; et al. (2016): Full Collection: Distributed Solar Photovoltaic Array Location and Extent Data Set for Remote Sensing Object Identification. figshare. Collection.
Cambridge - lots of accurate predictions here.
Knowsley - some hit some miss But - some things like conservatories have not come up as false positives.
Bristol docks confused the model
Is your curiosity piqued?
Do you want to contribute to climate related tech projects?
I'm building continuous integration tools for data science teams at
If you do some kind of data science, I'd love to hear from you!
Say hi:
Twitter: @LaurenceWWatson
Data wrangling:
RasterVision scripts:
import geopandas as gpd
gb_outline = gpd.read_file('greatbritain.shp')
Projected CRS: EPSG:27700
Name: OSGB 1936 / British National Grid
Axis Info [cartesian]:
- E[east]: Easting (metre)
- N[north]: Northing (metre)
Area of Use:
- name: UK - Britain and UKCS 49°46'N to 61°01'N, 7°33'W to 3°33'E
- bounds: (-9.2, 49.75, 2.88, 61.14)
Coordinate Operation:
- name: British National Grid
- method: Transverse Mercator
Datum: OSGB 1936
- Ellipsoid: Airy 1830
- Prime Meridian: Greenwich
Geographic 2D CRS: +init=epsg:4326 +type=crs
Name: WGS 84
Axis Info [ellipsoidal]:
- lon[east]: Longitude (degree)
- lat[north]: Latitude (degree)
Area of Use:
- name: World
- bounds: (-180.0, -90.0, 180.0, 90.0)
Datum: World Geodetic System 1984
- Ellipsoid: WGS 84
- Prime Meridian: Greenwich
General lack of understanding that the Web Mercator differs from standard Mercator usage has caused considerable confusion and misuse. For all these reasons, the United States Department of Defense through the National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency has declared this map projection to be unacceptable for any official use.